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Jean's Quilts & Things

I love all kinds of quilting, from traditional to art quilts. While you're here, check out some of my latest quilts. I also teach quilting classes, and have the upcoming classes posted here.

Read my blog, feel free to comment! Please!!



I teach quilt classes at Hancock Fabrics in Council Bluffs, IA. I enjoy that a lot too and have started posting my class schedule here as well as pictures of quilts the ladies have made in some of my classes. It is always amazing to me how the many color combinations of each individual make the quilt so unique.

I have posted the Spring/Summer Class Schedule. It is on the Upcoming Classes page on the new website. Click on the link below to go there.

Ocean Song Wallhanging, quilted

I finished quilting the Ocean Song wallhanging. I am in the process of adding beads to it, will post a new pic when that is finished.


Block Lotto

The winners of the March/April Block Lotto are Diane Tuttle & Marge Perkins. They each won 13 blocks. Can't wait to see what you do with them, ladies!

For the new lotto we are making the 12” - Contrary Wife Block. Please use 2 shades of the same summer flower color for the main squares, the darker color being used for the HST, and use a white for the other half of the HST.

Please have the blocks turned in at the store by Monday, June 26.

Have fun!


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Because of overcrowding, I have continued this on a new website.

Click the link below to go there.......